Fragmentary Reproductions:

"It's about creating a dream of the subject matter, a fragmented reproduction of it. that's not my phrase, it's from a book I listened to once called An Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud. I was listening to it while on walks thinking omg this is amazing! Thinking I'm the first artist to use it as inspiration... turns out, very wrong, But it helped me get my head around how I like to work. dreams are image & emotional abstractions from time spent awake. So in my work I'm attempting to recreate the process by putting things down from a memory bank of 40+ years of reference." 
"I grew up with my bedroom looking out onto fields and on the right beyond some trees was an industrial estate. I played on the fields and industrial estate equally really, making dens in the woods or in a big paper skip until we were told to do get lost or we might be squashed by a fresh delivery of cardboard. I remember appreciating the industrial lines and textures of the environment around the estate back then, especially when it was deserted on a Sunday on a bright sunny day, the contrasts of harsh materials combined, the large empty buildings that were obviously important but had no significant meaning to me besides providing curious components for images yet to be discovered." 
"One of my earliest memories is when I used to visit my nana, she had this painting above her fireplace that I could never quite make out. I knew it was something figurative because the shapes and gestures were familiar but I was having fun making other images out of it, almost like it was a Rorschach Test. I eventually realised that it was a ballerina almost lost in her big dress while dancing. I remember how it made me feel when I saw her for the first time and that I could never unsee her afterwards."
Thank you!
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